About WBG

The Wisconsin Bankruptcy Guide (WBG) was created by Dan Freund and Bret Nason. Dan serves clients in the Eau Claire, Wisconsin area and Bret serves clients in the Platteville, Wisconsin area. Both represent individuals and businesses with debt problems. Contact one of us to schedule a consultation to determine what debt relief option is best for your personal situation.

This site was created to give consumers information about bankruptcy in Wisconsin. While the Bankruptcy Code is a federal law, local bankruptcy practice varies widely between jurisdictions, especially in Chapter 13 cases. Therefore, what is true in Wisconsin may not be true in New York. Keep in mind that nothing you read here is intended as specific legal advice (as opposed to general legal information). We’ve done our best to ensure the accuracy of the information here, but there are exceptions to all of the general statements. For legal advice specific to your individual situation, you need to speak with a local attorney. If you live in Wisconsin, we hope you’ll choose a WBG attorney! All WBG attorneys and firms have been carefully selected by Bret & Dan for their professionalism and expertise.

While you can use this site to learn how to file a bankruptcy on your own, we hope it will illustrate why that’s usually a bad idea. Bankruptcy law is very complicated and even lawyers who don’t practice regularly in Bankruptcy Court often make mistakes. The consequences of making a mistake in bankruptcy can range from losing the right to a discharge to losing your home or other assets. We’ve tried to make everything here on WBG easy to understand, but only an experienced bankruptcy attorney can tell you how the Bankruptcy Code, Wisconsin state laws, and Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure will apply to your individual facts.

Browse the site to find answers to the most common questions people have about bankruptcy, information on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies, or to learn how to contact a local bankruptcy attorney to help you. If you want to understand the process before making the decision to file bankruptcy, this site should give you a good background before you meet with your lawyer. But if you don’t care about the details and just want someone to take care of your financial problems, we can probably help you, too.

Whether you decide to hire one of us to represent you or not, we hope this site provides you with useful information about bankruptcy in Wisconsin. If you have questions about the site or suggestions for improving it, feel free to fill out the contact form and one of us will get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks for visiting!

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

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