Bret Nason, Platteville, Wisconsin bankruptcy attorney

More bankruptcy questions? Check our our FAQ page.

LawyerThis page contains general information. Contact a WBG attorney for specific advice.

So you’ve come to this site to get some information about bankruptcy. You’ve read about the different Chapters and alternatives to bankruptcy. Now, you’re ready to proceed. How do you find a reputable attorney to help you?

– If you live in the Eau Claire area or the Platteville area of Wisconsin, contact one of these attorneys. That was easy!

– If you live too far away from Eau Claire or Platteville, talk to family members or friends. There’s a fair chance that someone you know has filed bankruptcy, but didn’t broadcast it. Ask what his experience was with the attorney. Would she hire the attorney again?

– Some people are too shy or embarrassed to talk to friends about debt. If that’s you, Google is your friend. Search for “bankruptcy attorney Sheldonopolis Wisconsin,” replacing Sheldonopolis with a nearby city. (Bonus points for getting the reference.)

– Ask an attorney you know and trust if she deals with bankruptcies. If not, who does she recommend?

– Look at the attorney’s website. Does he focus on debt issues? Is he certified as a specialist? Does his site give useful information?

– See if you can find the attorney on legal rating sites, like Avvo.

– Once you’ve found someone who “feels” right, make an appointment to talk. Some attorneys offer free initial consultations, others charge. Find out what the charge is before you make the appointment.

– If you ask “how much do you charge to file bankruptcy,” go somewhere else if the attorney gives you a firm price quote without talking with you to learn about your specific situation. No two cases are alike, so one-size-fits-all pricing doesn’t make sense. An attorney who quotes a firm price without knowing the facts isn’t someone you should trust to handle your finances. I compare it to asking someone how much they would charge to paint my house without seeing the house.

– When you meet with the attorney, take note of how she makes you feel. Does he give you 10 minutes of time and rush you out the door? Does she listen to you? Are you meeting with the attorney who will handle your case, or a paralegal? Does he answer your questions? Does she seem trustworthy? If you have a bad feeling about the attorney, keep looking.

Not all attorneys are right for every client, but following these steps should help you to find an attorney who will work well with you.

More bankruptcy questions? Check our our FAQ page.

This page contains general information. Contact a WBG attorney for specific advice.
Wisconsin Bankruptcy Guide is provided by law firms designated as Debt Relief Agencies by the federal government because we help people file for relief under the Bankruptcy Code. We also provide other types of debt relief options.

Image Credit: flickr/torbakhopper

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